Monday, June 11, 2018

Don't sit back and age

This morning I am drawn to Psalm 71.
Psalm 71 is the psalm of an old man. There are many lessons to be learned from this psalm. In particular, it says to me that we are never too old not to serve God.
The psalmist is an old man with many trials and problems, but he is obviously a joyful man who is able to put his focus on the Lord in the midst of these trials. The psalm shows us that God’s way to grow old is to develop a walk with him now.
The reason that the psalmist could handle his problems so well as an old man was that he had developed a walk and laid a foundation with God in the years leading up to this time.
He knew God had enabled him to be strong inside, even though his body was growing weaker and his enemies were powerful.
The psalm is filled with a deep personal understanding and practical knowledge of God.
The psalmist had been taught of God from his youth. The man knew God as his refuge. He calls God his rock of habitation, his rock and fortress; his hope and confidence.
He talks of God’s mighty deeds, God's strength and power, and the great things he has done. He realized that it was God who brought him into trouble and God who delivered and restored him. God was his source of comfort in this trial. God had redeemed his soul. As he exclaims in Verse 19, “O God, who is like You?”
This man knew his God and it is obvious that he had known him for years and had proved God’s faithfulness in a number of previous difficult situations. So in this instance when he needs to trust in God, it is not a matter of him saying, “God, if you exist, whoever you are, if you’re out there I need your help!”
He didn’t need to take a blind leap of faith because he knew his God in a personal, practical, proven way.
Although the psalmist was old and could have just kicked back and rested. He did not. We read that he still had a concern for ministry, for testifying about the power and faithfulness of God.
We need to follow his lead and do our part to spread the Good News.
Be blessed.

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