The peace of a southern Indiana sunrise fronted by a rail car loaded with coal. |
Sometimes our world can become a haven for stress, a place for stress to manifest to very uncomfortable levels, if we allow it.
Psalm 131 offers relief.
The psalm is short and to the point, but it is worth reading and praying about.
In the New Living Bible the psalm reads, “ Lord, my heart is not proud; my eyes are not haughty.
I don’t concern myself with matters too great or too awesome for me to grasp.
Instead, I have calmed and quieted myself, like a weaned child who no longer cries for its mother’s milk. Yes, like a weaned child is my soul within me. O Israel, put your hope in the Lord— now and always.”
Our stress levels escalate when we are asked to perform tasks that are far outside our comfort zone and when we’re expected to “be” someone we are not.
What’s the solution?
Discover who you are and what you feel comfortable doing. Accept the way God has made you. Learn to say “no” as God directs.
In Psalm 131, it is interesting to note that David’s confession of his inadequacies is prefaced by a declaration of humility.
What is humility?
Humility is one of those traits that if you think you have it, you probably don't.
Psalm 131 reminds us that we should not be pursuing 'great things', unless we turn and become like children.
We are called to become like children like a weaned child, who has learned the secret of contentment in his mother's arms because the secret of contentment is humility.
David’s intimate declaration in Psalm 131 is a great remedy for stressful emotions.
We have nothing to prove to God. We can come with empty hands, because everything was provided for us at Calvary. When we see what Jesus accomplished in dying in our place, taking the judgment that belonged to us, we’ll be able to find our true rest in God.
Let us all put our hope in God and Godly things.
Let us focus on being content and to humble ourselves in service to God and to one another to find real peace and relief from the stress that is all around us.
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