The first verse to a popular Christian song “Mighty to Save” by Hillsong, which was written by Rodney Claswson shares a strong message for all Christians today.
It says:
“Everyone needs compassion
A love that's never failing, let mercy fall on me
Well, everyone needs forgiveness
The kindness of a Savior, the hope of nations.”
How true this is. The principle of compassion is the very heart of Christ. The ministry of Jesus flowed from His heart of compassion toward those in need.
Compassion is a word of action. It is the heartfelt care for another with both the intent and action.
Throughout the Old and New Testaments the revelation of God's compassionate character is revealed through his acts of kindness and concern for human suffering. From the beginning of creation God reveals himself as a God of covenant love — one who deeply cares for his people.
Though man sinned, God again and again performed acts of kindness and love to the people.
Through the demonstration of his life, Jesus calls the people of God to practice love, kindness, compassion, discipleship and servanthood toward those they encounter on a daily basis –– our neighbors, the people we work wit, the people who go to church with, the people on the community in which we live.
The uniqueness and the power of Jesus' ministry rests in his concern for others
The poor, disenfranchised, suffering, and those looked down in society are precious in God's eyes. Jesus cares for the oppressed and downtrodden – those are the people of our own personal mission field right in the backyard where we live.
God's overall view of caring with compassion for those who are suffering can be summed up in Galatians 6:10 (KJV), which reads: “As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.”
Notice it says we are to do good to all men as we have opportunity.
I once attended a newly-founded church in Morganfield, KY, that was called “Household of Faith” that had a mission to do just what Galatians 6:10 talks about.
It was a church of action that helped many in the community with an open, non-judging heart. The church exhibited love to many, including my family and I in a time when things were not going well for us financially or spiritually. They church's members reached out and helped us, encouraged us, taught us the Word of God and simply accepted us with Christ-like love.
It made a life-changing difference in our lives to which we will remain forever grateful.
Do we have eyes and ears to see and hear the opportunities to do good to those around you?
Doing 'good' is action.
Doing 'good' is not just seeing a hurting individual, but taking a step further to do something about it.
Doing 'good' is doing more than just praying for a person. It is doing what we can to meet the physical and spiritual needs of that person.
Doing 'good' might mean some sacrifice of time and a portion of our wealth. Meeting needs sometimes does cost money, but it is income that God has provided us with anyway so it is really his, so give with an open heart, with a heart of love and a heart of compassion.
When we are a receiver of works of compassion, we also have to learn to receive it, which requires the tearing away of ego and pride, which is not easy. But we have to learn that God wants us to long for and expect to receive.
We have to become a gracious receiver.
In Isaiah 30:18 (Amplified Bible) we read: “And therefore the Lord [earnestly] waits [expecting, looking, and longing] to be gracious to you; and therefore He lifts Himself up, that He may have mercy on you and show loving-kindness to you. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) are all those who [earnestly] wait for Him, who expect and look and long for Him [for His victory, His favor, His love, His peace, His joy, and His matchless, unbroken companionship]!
The Church and we as Christians can do no less.
Let us seek to be compassionate –– to walk in it daily.
The Church is to be the conduit through which people experience the steadfast love and compassion of God. It is the responsibility of the Church to minister to those in need, to bring the healing and comforting touch of Christ without partiality.
Be blessed and be a blessing on this day.
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